Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Atlanta, GA (6-15-16)

Without Japanese internment could we have won WWII? All I DO know is that Japanese WERE interned and we DID win WWII.

#japaneseINTERNMENT #islam #muslim

When we hear the JIVE narrative that we make Muslims more angry when WE target them (duh)...I think about how much more angry the Japanese were as they LOST the war ...THEY started..

Friday, June 3, 2016

Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in San Jose, CA (6-2-16)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Sacramento, CA (6-1-16)

Are the Elite "CONSERVATIVES" Patriots...?

Not all conservatives ARE Patriots....not all Patriots are Conservative...

screw conservative GIVE ME a Patriot protecting our liberties any day...

Perhaps we need to re-Define the word PATRIOT....not "conservative"....such the trick bag it is....
self imposed Alinsky tact....."make them live up to their own definition

Why President Trump will be...just that.

He will bring the disenfranchised democrats, having been discourage by the BURN not getting his due.  Trump is "of the culture"...the popCULTure....

Like Motown did via music in the 60's....Trump will be doing via SURVIVAL, "men only need apply"...kind of thing... criminal 5 star