Saturday, November 17, 2012

1895 8th Grade TEST....too many of USa, Dumber & dumber.

Progress defined ---

To Educate or NOT to Educate....?

Who wins from making those citizens being cared for??
 ....Dumber by the minute....Who benefits??

I couldn't pass this!  Now this IS Progress...make dumb smart, and smart, Dumb....

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

March on the Media- We are NOT taking your schitte anymore.

Hollywood and Media CONTROLS Culture.

"It's The Culture, Stupid..." Until we fight the media head on...we're "just talking."

Imagine in 30 days, every last media outlet having 10 TEN...Patriots

hanging out, EVERY-DAY, while people are driving around the block beeping their horns, NON-STOP reminding the Media WE DON'T TRUST or BELIEVE YOU....

PICKET/MARCH ON THE MEDIA to the "POWER of TEN" 30 hours a month Per Patriot all that is necessary.

"We DON'T TRUST YOU signs prominently displayed....WE DON"T BELIEVE YOU anymore... Advertisers....why, Why, WHY indeed do you support those who rely on US(A) to buy YOUR Products....."etc...

Communists are Takers from the Makers...
Communists are the ones that promote Jealousy, Envy, Class Struggle, making the GOOD GUYS the Bad

I will explain How picketing the media will work...logical, progression of thought join me in this archive show. link here.

Limbaugh just announced...."It's the Culture Stupid."  I have posts, articles and radio shows "It's the Culture, Stupid." for six years....

The economy means NOTHING...until we understand without a SOUL you are simply NOT human, never mind humane.....and don't tell me about the bears.

"Lead USa NOT into temptation)......
but do, by the grace of God, deliver usA all from Liberalism.

Please time for the New  Knights Templar.

History repeats EVERYTHING!!!!

It's the Culture Stupid, say Rush Limbaugh

Limbaugh just announced...."It's the Culture Stupid."  I have posts, articles and radio shows "It's the Culture, Stupid." for six years....

The economy means NOTHING...until we understand without a SOUL you are simply NOT human, never mind humane.....and don't tell me about the bears.

"Lead USa NOT into temptation)......
but do, by the grace of God, deliver usA all from Liberalism.

Please time for the New  Knights Templar.

History repeats EVERYTHING!!!!

Military Generals & Infiltration of Pop-Culture

Military Generals now "just another average joe?"

We know in "general terms" Men...think with their cockolla(I'm Italian, after all)
 Yes, Woman with their hormone charged hearts...(that's for another day)

Generals in the Military have always garnished the most respect in our "universe." 

Why?  Once (upon a time)  The discipline required and leaders modeled before them demonstrated that "they" must be beyond reproach.

Now we have proof that the pop-culture has infiltrated our Military....sissyfied leaders who now can be swayed with just a wink of female attention....

like any other "AVERAGE joe."

General McCrystal on the Cover of Rolling Stone

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Conservatism originated from the CENTER and remains CENTERED

Evil Defined...

Anyone that stands opposed to that which was derived from and governed BY natural law is evil.

                            Conservatism is OF the Center.

Libertarianism is on the Right, Liberal on the Left...and what is derived from Truth and governed by the same Conservatism IS OF the CENTER...salute(tv)
A ruse..."the right wing"  or the "far right"    

From the link below--

The political spectrum, the center is Conservatism, why it matters

Therein the definition of right as it applies to our form of government is generally accepted as less government and more freedom on the right. Conservatism IS the fulcrum

 Of those that think less government is more corruption and anarchy should start reading from the beginning. The left is not only progressives, socialist democrats, socialist liberals, and communists but also monarchists, nationalists and fascists because of the center of this nation.

Today’s socialist democrats are not the democrats of the past as they are the fringe. Socialist democrats want tax cuts for the middle class, tax the rich feed the poor so there are no rich any more. 

You know what this is called, it is class warfare and it has no place in the land of equal opportunity. The middle class is a myth, around the top five percent pay almost fifty percent and around the bottom fifty percent pay almost nothing but do get a refund. 

American Thinker an essay click on link